Wednesday 18 March 2015


Life shapes us in ways we don't expect. I have just put down my computer, and planned to rest. Wrapping it up and calling it a day AT 2.20 am. Needless to say, it is well past midnight but my mind won't let me sleep. I was meant to be working- being a freelancer and all, but I stayed up watching a series that compounds medical jargon and old times pomposity. I fancy old English, I should have been born in England! (No hard feelings dad).

I am awake at this odd hour, primarily because I was up supposedly working. It's also because when I retired to bed, my mind wouldn't stop working. Well, that and this mosquito that keeps playing "shumekia" as i like to call it. It's like peek-a-boo; now you see me, now you don't. I don't sleep with small, or big, irritating sounds in the background. So let me give this gamer some head-start with this article before ending the game amicably.

Having graduated a few months ago has tasked me with sending out CVs and cover letters. Even freelancing requires that, and I am always Googling a new technique of addressing the upcoming situation which happens to be an interview. Not that I have one, but I have a feeling if it's not in an office with some recruiters or a HR team, then it's going to be on Skype soon. Either way it is going to be a milestone that I am ready to face.

I told you about this time that I worked somewhere and got there early enough to work my ass off and leave early too. Well before I got that job, there was an interview. I got to the there late, didn't have an identity card, and had to smooth my way through security. That done, I had to act professional since everyone else at the interview was older, was currently in university, and the ladies had make up on. Call it intimidating, but I blended in. So one by one we got called in and naïve princess was summoned to the round table.

My heart was throbbing, but I was not going to let my poker face down. I can be quite an angel, so I played that trait like a fiddle. I smiled, I trust it wasn't too hard like I had just gotten a botox. It went well, and I proceeded to the next stage of the interview which was to prove our computer skills. Turns out one of the ladies did not know how to operate a computer, and had so stated before the interviewing panel then went ahead and proved it! Yes, close to three hours staring at a computer while it took the rest of us close to twenty minutes tops to complete the task at hand.  At this juncture it would be safe to state that the job was mainly data entry. 

Anyways, I aced my first interview and got my first job. Unlike the other well dressed intimidating lady, who I was so certain would get the job. Looks can be deceiving, and the old folk  knew this well; never judge a book by its cover. Although when the rest of us successful candidates got to know each other I had to tell a little lie to fit in. The fact that I had the lowest bid value for expected salary but told the rest of the crew that I stipulated a value higher than what we were earning. Truth be told, the value I gave couldn't even cater for my transport alone!!

Which leads me to two very important lessons. One, believe in yourself no matter what the odds look like. Just package yourself in a decent manner and sell that. Which brings us to lesson number two, know your value. You can't settle for less, or be greedy and covet the director's salary when you are just a newbie. I could have learnt this on Google then, but I learnt it anyways and it feels good to see my lessons all over the Internet. Sadly though, someone will despise it, and it will cost them a job they so much needed.

That said, I was not sure what my post for this month would be. My posts are emotional, and certain triggers lie around waiting for me to trip over them. Like maybe for tonight this loud, tiny mosquito that I will squash in a while.

Satisfaction; that smile on my face when I finally lay my head to rest tonight.